Friday, November 23, 2012

Why Gratitude Isn't Just For Thanksgiving

From a link on Eve Tushnet's blog, here's science to help back up the positive effects of gratitude.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Finally heard back.  My application is not off-the-wall with the whole gay Christian personal statement!  I was starting to get worried that I might be seen as a mentally unstable/contradictory person.
I think I've probably looked at the UWSOM email telling me I got an interview like 5 or 6 times.  There's no date set yet, but they impressively got back to me about an interview invite in less than two weeks from my application being complete.
I look at it, and think, "My ticket outta here."

But then at the same time, I see some things on fb, and I'm like, "Ugh.  no.  I don't want to go back and be with the people I escaped from for college."  I suppose if the time comes, I can just choose to hang out with other people.  Also, I chose Spokane as my first-choice first-year site, instead of Seattle, so I may not see them much anyway.

I finally met another gay celibate-from-same-sex-relationships Christian on Sunday.  We hit it off really well, imo, and I think he felt similarly, although he may be reading my blog, so well, um... hawkward.  Hi!  =D

As I was in my room that night, I thought, you know, I could maybe stay in Houston after all.  Perhaps my judgment's cloudy right now, but it wouldn't be that bad to be in Houston.  Maybe all I needed was another person like me.  Gonna have to see if I ever hear back from here, though.