- Noah
- Adrian
- Gregory
- Micah
- Darren
- Paul
I'd like my first two boys to be named
Noah Adrian Wang
(peaceful [possibly long-lived, comforter, or wanderer], from Hadria [wow, boring...])
Noah Gregory Wang
peaceful [/long-lived/comforter/wanderer], watchful/vigilant
Micah Darren Wang.
(who resembles God, great)
Micah Gregory/Adrian Wang depending on what I don't use for the first boy
maybe a third would be
Darren Paul Wang (whoa, really similar to Dillon's name)
(great, small)
- Madison (son of the mighty warrior)
- Desideria (much desired [Kevin tells me that kids with abnormal names will do worse in school, and are less successful at life... so maybe not as a first name at least. =( ])
- Adrian...? (from Hadria)
- Lydia...? (from Lydia [*yawn*])
Madison Desideria Wang?
that might be too many syllables...
can't really find girl names I really like... maybe that's because some of the boy names I can see myself having, or are names that I'd love to be called, but for girls... hm. Not really partial to anything.
I wish I could be a Noah or a Micah. Gregory/Darren are too similar to people I know or know of, but they could work well as middle names (hence my first two boy names). I don't really see myself being an Adrian though, but I saw that name recently and was like, Hm, I like that.