Wednesday, October 29, 2014

so a passing SIL person (the academic side of Wycliffe), who was living at the dorm that I live at and who is not related with the school, apparently saw me and the other gay student here hugging in the dorm kitchen and thought it was "too sexual/more-than-friends" or something and complained to the overall Center (which my school rents space from) and the Academic Dean told us this today and he said that it's apparently still working up the chain of command in the Center and who knows what their procedures are with this and whether they will just tell that person to calm down or if my friend and I will be kicked out of the dorm or if we'll be banned from being on campus (although my school would fight hard for us to be able to stay) and it's like... seriously?  They could do that from extrapolating from a hug?  The Dean doesn't even know the person's name or how long ago this happened.  Apparently the person didn't even know we were gay at the time, but it was just too much affection for two guys to share??

Like, person, you do NOT know our life situations or our sex lives or what's going on or anything about me apparently.

Just try and tell me that homophobia doesn't exist anymore or that it isn't unwarranted.  Part of me feels like it'll probably amount to nothing, but it is somewhat unnerving that something bad could happen.

And the psychological and spiritual manipulation is still continuing with the whole t-shirt fiasco.

i need to get out of here.

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