Monday, March 22, 2010

Heart Motive

Hi, my name is David and I'm a Love-Me Time.

Dennis showed me a link about Heart Motives, and when he was describing the Love-Me motive, it sounded a lot like me.  Once I started listening to the sermon on Love Me motive, I pretty much identified with everything the speaker was saying.

I'm still trying to apply what I've learned to my life and improve my sinful ways, but for now, there are a few things that really struck a chord with me.

For instance, the idea of "Chosens," people who you want their love the most, people whose full attention you desire people whom you get jealous of if they spend time with other people instead of you... I undeniably had/have chosens, and it is extremely annoying.  I hate how someone can make me run through the gamut of emotions, and it's not a person I'm in love with or have a crush on.  (at least, I don't think they are...)
Learning about that does make me feel a bit better, however.  That means that Chris may not have been someone I was in love with, but merely a Chosen that I had at the time.  While that may just be a matter of semantics, it at least sounds a little better.

*edit* 06/08/10
Well, I can see now that the "goal" for Love-Me Times is to treat everyone as if he or she were a Chosen.  While I knew that when I wrote this post, I couldn't really see how to apply it.  Now, though, when I feel grumpy about giving my time/effort to someone who's not my Chosen, I wonder if I would feel differently if the person were my Chosen.  Nearly every time the answer comes up as "Yes," and I realize that I do need a change of heart after all.  In those cases, I would be much more caring, much more understanding, and just much more loving.

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