Saturday, October 9, 2010

Milk for Thought #1

Here commences an official list of random quotes that I've cherished over the years.

"I really love the way God reveals Himself to us only when we are ready. Not a moment too soon. He knows when we are only prepared to drink milk and when we are ready for some meat, as Paul put it. How many times, looking back on your life, have you realized that only God could have known when you were ready to learn certain things? Even in listening back to previous records, I am struck by God’s timing. There are many songs I never could have written 8 years ago, not because I am a better songwriter today, but because I just wasn’t ready for those particular lessons, yet.

I guess I had never considered that scripture would be a part of that very gradual revelation. I've always thought of the Bible as a rather static account of stories, truth, lessons and life that God gave and protected for us. You either "got it" or you didn't. But now I am starting to understand that it lives and breathes between the bound leather and that certain things might actually leap off the page only when we are ready…and you might be three or ninety three when that happens. I could read the same passage hundreds of times, but it won't matter unless the seed is finally falling on fertile soil. Perhaps this might help to explain the countless interpretations of scripture. After all, what man is immune to his own perspective and prejudice?" 

~Nichole Nordeman (hilarious article, btw)

Also, I sometimes view this as even more support for reading your Bible constantly.  There could be so many specific lessons that God wants you to get from the Bible that only you could learn in your unique perspective at this particular stage in your life.  So get reading!

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