Thursday, May 5, 2011

I wish I could have what they have.  But I guess you can always wish for the things that you don't have.

Hmmm.  Feeling lonely.  Today was definitely a great day, as I got to help move things, serve others, and even go to Sweet Tomatoes, which I've been wanting to go for like... well over a year, at least.  =)  I could count so many blessings that I've had from today (like Jeff and Dennis giving me Yogurtland!  xD  Thanks again, guys), and I am definitely thankful for each of them.

But I'm still hung up.

His hand poked my arm and I was like, "What the heck?"  Yet it was actually just so he could put his arm around his friend.  He said his arm needed a place to rest and his buddy replied, "Oh... ok."  I just looked out the window and shut my eyes.

"They're like brothers."  Ah, I wish I could know how that felt.  Her words echoed in my head as I saw them playfully fight into an alcove by themselves.  Then, for my own sanity, I looked away.

Aurelia asked me that if I could have any sibling, male or female, older or younger, what would I choose?  I immediately replied that I wanted an older brother.  Maybe not for the best reasons initially, but now I know for sure that I probably wouldn't want anyone else.

Am I hung up about him?  Or just the idea of him?

It's a tragic thing to want to click with someone and not be able to.

The Bridge of San Luis Rey:
"Now he discovered that secret from which one never quite recovers, that even in the most perfect love one person loves less profoundly than the other. There may be two equally good, equally gifted, equally beautiful, but there may never be two that love one another equally well.”
(will definitely go on my tumblr [if I ever get one] as one of those emo quotes, haha.)

And so I pray for someone to fill that void, to support me, to be that intense connection, and maybe even be someone who struggles similarly.

I'm usually ok.  But there are just those times when I cry out to God... when I suddenly feel like expressing my thoughts in Spanish, in some different language because I'm searching for some way to explain how I feel. Those are the times that I will look back on and cherish.

Ah.  oh.  hm.  stare off into the distance.  wonder where you went wrong.

wish I could let go of him.

so annoying.  And he'll never realize.

I can't just tell him to stop doing that.
Oh hey, by the way, you putting that arm around him bothers me, because then you just remind me of what I don't have. Could you stop doing that in front of my face? Or try to include me at least. You wouldn't need to ask. I might be surprised, but it would be a pleasant surprise.

Oh wait, no, I already asked to be included, but that didn't go so well. Frustrating. I'm not the kind of person you'd want to hang out with anyway. I see that now.

I wish I could just accept that and leave it at that, quietly letting you fade from my life. kthx...

"Community is the place where the person you least want to live with always lives." --Parker Palmer.

And so we are a community. and we all belong to each other, Romans 12:5, for better or for worse.

No, definitely for better. How could I grow without suffering, without pain?

From tonight:
Running faster than I should, cart askew, hypercorrecting for craziness, crash course to making excuses together, and simply wanting my feelings to be normal. I'll relish those moments and try to forget that what happens next is our reality.

Back to packing!


  1. "It's a tragic thing to want to click with someone and not be able to."

    I totally you think we can only be best friends with the people we "click" with? Does our efforts make a difference? ummm

    can we truly love another person as a friend and family in Christ, even if we don't "click"?
    i wondered about this for a while now

  2. I think personality differences can get in the way of being best friends. Actually, there are a lot of things that could get in the way: values, priorities, certain habits, etc. It's not as strict as being in a relationship, of course, but in terms of "best friends," well, it's a tenuous line.
    I think you might be able to overlook a lot of differences if both people are, for some reason, really wanting to be very close friends. However, there's not much choice that you have if the person in question isn't interested. So in terms of efforts making a difference, i guess it really depends on the person in question and how much they appreciate your efforts.

    As for loving someone, I think you can definitely do so without clicking... I mean, we're called to love everyone, but that doesn't mean that we'll end up liking everyone (esp. due to personality differences, etc). Love is more of a commitment to always want to best for someone else. Which is certainly more difficult if you're not as good friends with someone, but hey, it's even harder to love your enemies, and that's what God tells us to do.
