Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I should probably not make working with children a lifetime career.  I think I've been sick more often than I've been well here...  >_<

At least it's getting better... the past few days have the been the worst, with a possible blepharitis, sore throat that hurt every time I swallowed, and a cough/runny nose leftover from my flu a couple weeks ago.

like wut.

This has also made me wonder if I could live in a foreign country... so much health fail.  It also makes me wonder if I could handle being a doctor, being around sick patients all the time.

Alice, the volunteer who works with me at MC (and unfortunately is leaving this Friday... =\) has countered my above fears each time I've voiced them though.  Well, I didn't say the being a doctor one out loud, but she countered the other ones about working with kids and living in South America.  We'll see.

I heard from another volunteer yesterday that Cochabamba's Pride parade is happening this Saturday!  I wish I could go--I've never been to one, and it's been lonely feeling like the only gay person in the country.  But alas, it starts at 7 p.m., and that's when my church's youth service starts.  I'd kinda rather go there and see people I know. And plus, we're apparently making pizza at someone's house.  =D  Exciting.

Also, I fail at going out of the city and seeing cool stuff and travelling.  I guess that's never been me anyway.  Plus, I don't want to miss either of my church services!  I do really enjoy my church here.
I've resigned myself to just do all my travelling and sightseeing in the future... maybe next year?  xD  Anyone wanna take a tour of Peru and Bolivia with me next summer?  ;D

1 comment:

  1. Be well, David! And you always have to leave new places and experiences to look forward to in the future, right? :) Traveling through Peru and Bolivia would be phenomenal.
