Sunday, July 11, 2010

So Blessed

From PostSecret

I don't need to have all the answers.  Maybe that's part of what's so comforting about that Secret.

What is it I trust in then?  (Or rather, Whom?)
I trust in the One who created everything, who has all the answers, who loves us infinitely more than we could ever imagine.

Of course, the secret is only partially right; after all, He was gracious enough to give us a kind of how-to guide in the Bible... but the step-by-step processes are up to us to figure out.

So anyway, recently, I'm realizing how incredibly fortunate and blessed I am to be a Christian.  Especially to be one who legitimately feels like he has a strong grasp on his faith, and one who feels like he's growing.  Of course, I don't feel like that every day... but I've just been amazed that I've been so lucky as to not fall away from my faith.

God has been so good to me.

It's not fair.

Yet I've been preserved for a reason, of course:  to help other people, Christians and non-Christians, feel the same way I do by leading them closer to Christ to experience His love.

The truth is, we don't have flail around in the air, sky-diving towards the ground.  We can wing it with God, trusting in His every move.  (Isaiah 40:31? ;)  )

Had an incredible phone conversation with a friend Thursday night/Friday morning.  Dare I say he's an answer to my prayers?

I'm thinking yes.  =)  

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