Saturday, February 13, 2010

What I've Learned/Am Learning This School Year

--that I can act.
--that I am a frighteningly good trampoliner.
--that I am quite good at girl talk.
--that I remember random facts about random people and that that comes across as creepy.

--that my first impressions of people are usually negative and usually wrong.
--that no matter how fresh a start you have, old temptations don't magically disappear.
--that I can't do, or get into, a lot of things.  And that I will fail countless more times in my life.
--that that's ok.
--that "I am not bound by my feelings and my feelings do not dictate who I am." (

--that only Jesus can be your savior.
--that God is even more ironic than I could have imagined.  =)
--that God transcends so much more than my little church and my little mind... but i think i'm just beginning to see that.
--that my self-worth is not inherent in myself, in my name, nor even in my actions, but instead in Jesus.
--that it doesn't matter to God if you fail in a task He's given you.  It also doesn't matter if you succeed.  It only matters that you obey.  (although by obeying, you're already succeeding by His definition)

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