Saturday, May 29, 2010


I went ice-skating today for the first time in the Tri-Cities (I think I went once or twice in China).  It was with my Chinese church's youth group, and we had like 22 people come--huge success!  I'm proud of my youth group for being able to organize all this by themselves, and that everything turned out well (we got a discount by saying it was a birthday party; fortunately, we had a birthday on Monday [Lucy's], and then another one on Tuesday [Andrew Lea's]).
The rink made me think of how Jackson used to play hockey, and that he probably played hockey in that exact rink.

Kinda wished I had played hockey when I was younger... I've always enjoyed playing hockey whenever we would play in P.E. on the gym floor (obviously, it's a bit different on an ice rink, but whatever)... plus, maybe I would've met up with Jackson earlier than I did.

He leaves in 4 days... June 2nd, Wednesday.  Tomorrow I go to see his "farewell" speech at his church.

Hmmm... I miss him already... and I feel like we're not even that good friends.  Like, I don't know much about his inner thoughts--although I guess I do know how he acts, his little habits, and stuff like that.  But we've never gone very deep in our conversations, besides all those talks about religion.  Even then, it wasn't that personal.

Still, he was/is one of my Chosens.  I got kinda nervous in meeting up with him yesterday for Subway... but when we were together, everything felt so natural.  It was really fun, just hanging out and talking.  =)

On a lighter note, I made Almond Tea Cake today, from a website that Teresa posted a recipe from.  I would've made the recipe she put up  (Apple Crunch Cake), but I don't think we had enough vanilla extract to make it work.
My mom said the Almond Tea Cake was, "很好吃!" [Really delicious!]  My dad also really liked it, and my grandma said, "从来没有吃过着么好吃的蛋糕."  [She had never eaten such a delicious cake.]  =D  Success!  Even despite the fact that we only had almond butter instead of almond paste, and so I took out some butter to compensate.  Looks like it turned out fine, though.  =)

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