Thursday, August 4, 2011

Minor Thoughts on My Mind

  • Ashley told me today, "I think it's so cool that I can say, 'The president of my fellowship is gay.'"  Haha.  xD  aw, objectively, I think that is pretty cool.  Although I guess that's pompous of me to say... since I'm the one she's talking about. -_-  bahaha, I could say that too, to people who don't know I'm gay or the co-pres of CCF.  Then I can decide whether to tell them that that's me and slam that awkward pile of bricks down.  lulz.  Or be obnoxious and say that to people who already know the above anyway.  haha.  Like tell some random CCF member, "Did you know the president of our fellowship is gay??"  *confused look from victim*  "...oh yeah, that's me.  LOL!"   /troll.
  • I really appreciated what Johnny said last night about how I'm his go-to guy when he thinks about someone being gay, Christian, and God-honoring.  yay!  Just what I want to be/do for people.  =)
  • At this point, I'm definitely going to try to be a part of Q&A as much as possible for the rest of college.  Although I've heard mixed stuff about it... so we'll see how it goes.  In any case, I need to meet more gay people.
  • To be honest, part of the reason why I want to come out to my home church is just so I can write, "I'll be your GBF" on my fb profile.  haha.


  1. This can go well or really badly...I would feel like a zoo animal...

  2. wait what would make you feel like a zoo animal? Being a GBF? xD
